Short Bio

Danny Owens is an outsider artist who has been painting since 1971. He has sold only a few hundred of the thousand plus paintings he created. Until now, he has never entered a juried competition.


My paintings represent ongoing entries in my Journal of Art.
Each painting is an attempt to take an actual “vacation” picture of the
other side of the worm hole. In other words, each painting represents a
point in time.

Perhaps it’s a view outside of John Glenn’s capsule. Or
perhaps it’s the inside of the star inside of an ant. The actual subject
matter is immaterial My work represents immateriality itself. But these are just my vacation
pictures, so what do I know? 


Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, Danny Owens developed his current style of reverse paintings in Fort Worth, in 1996. Unbeknownst to him, the method itself being so new and different allowed him the unintended consequence of self-exploration. This never-ending journey has informed the work he does with glimpses of vast sections of our universe and his own Soul.

He has been included in several galleries and art shows but mostly has remained in seclusion working on his art and himself.

Concerning this exhibit, Danny has decided after all the years ”out where the buses don’t’ run” to come in and check his mail

Resume / CV

Solo Shows
D-Art Gallery | Dallas TX - 1986

Groups Shows
2nd Floor Gallery | Fort Worth TX - 2007
Frame Up Gallery | Fort Worth Tx - 2008
Park Plaza Pop Up| Fort Worth TX - 2009
Cleo's Creations |Fort Worth TX - 2018